Just Say No! To overeating

Yes this is Thanksgiving week and the start of the eating season for many. A great time to practice these tips.

Tips to feel full faster: It‘s not just what you eat, but how you eat that can make the difference.

1. Add fiber such as 100% whole grains (oatmeal, short grain brown rice, etc.)

2. Increase fruits and vegetables – like grapefruit, apples, pears, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus.

3. Eat lean and non-flesh protein – fish, white meat poultry, egg whites, legumes, beans, peas, and lentils.

4. Add healthy fats – nuts, seeds, fish, olive oil, & flaxseed.

Tricks that work:

1. Start lunch and dinner with a broth-based soup or vegetable-filled soup.

2. Do not skip meals – eat at regular times spaced evenly throughout the day.

3. Use a smaller plate – more veggies on the plate (the more color the better) along with other live food choices.

4. Slow down – it takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize that the stomach is full.

5. End your meal with a salad with an oil based dressing (add nuts or seeds for extra flavor) this adds in proper digestion.

Want more tips listen to My NewPeace Radio this evening 6:30pm est and Every Monday at 6:30 pm est

Reduce the risk of parasites

Tips to reduce the risk of parasites:

1. Wash your hands many times a day with soap.

2. Wash all fruits and vegetables properly before eating them. (Quick wash: Mix of  equal parts vinegar and water and spray on fruits & veggies.  Let the wash sit for a few minutes before washing off.)

3. Cook meats and fish properly.

4. Use a separate cutting board for preparing meat and vegetables.

5. Keep your immune system healthy by eating healthy foods & taking

NEWPEACE Wellness supplements.

6. Limit sugar in your food-lifestyle. Sugar FEEDS parasites.

7. De-worm your animals. (If you have pets)

8. Drink only filtered water. (Water with a ph of 7.5 or greater is best, if you choose water on the go look for spring water or water with the ph listed on the bottle)

9. Keep bowels moving regularly, 2 to 3 times daily. After each meal is best.

10. NEWPEACE Wellness Colon cleansing should be done 2 to 4 times yearly (seasonal cleansing), with a cleansing specifically for parasites at least twice a year.

Oils, Nuts, Seeds & Fats, Oh My!

Cold water fish

  • They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats which make them the good fat foods.
  • The best fish are mackerel, salmon, trout and tuna. Each serving of fish contains nearly thousands of milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Some other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats are mussels, sardines, char, anchovies, halibut, and black cod.
  • For people who do not eat fish, fish oil supplements are the choice.

Plant oils

  • Plant oils are also good fat foods and are the best alternatives to saturated fats.
  • Hemp seed oil, grape seed oil, flax seed oil, olive oil are the best oils which contain polyunsaturated fats. Olive oil even contains monounsaturated fats.
  • Canola oil is also a good fat food which contains polyunsaturated fats. They provide even omega-3 fatty acids nearly 8 times more the olive oil.

Nuts and Seeds

  • The excellent sources of god fats are nuts and seeds.
  • Almonds, hazelnuts, & cashews contain monounsaturated fats
  • Chia seeds and walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds and even Brazil nuts provide both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in equal amounts.

Benefits of Capsicum

The many wellness benefits of Capsicum are attributable to capsaicin and capsicidin that are found in all kinds of peppers. The are usually vibrant in variable sizes and shapes and called by many names like jalapeno, bell peppers, sweet peppers, cayenne, paprika, chilies, and pimientos. Only bell peppers do not contain capsaicin among the peppers, yet it has much phytonutrients. The other essential nutrients are the phytonutrients (Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Hydroxycinnamic Acids), proteins, fats, vitamin A, vitamin C, Capsaicinoid oleoresin, provitamins E, B-vitamins, steroidal alkaloidal glycosides and scopoletin. All these contribute to the health benefits of Capsicum such as:

The brand of Capsicum nutrients is its impressive antioxidant property because of the significant content of vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese and its numerous carotenoids. These neutralize the free radicals to prevent early onset of age-related diseases particularly on cells, blood vessels and nerves.

Capsicum is effective in preventing the increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, just one of the wonderful benefits of capsicum for the body. This is achieved by deliberately slowing down uptake of fats and its assimilation in the alimentary canal. Vitamin C also prevents blood clot formation thus cardiac attacks and strokes are effectively prevented.

Capsicum causes speeding up of metabolism. It is believed to be useful in weight management and in preventing obesity.Indeed, benefits of capsicum can include weight loss.

Stomach secretions are increased because of laxative effects that make digestion better, nutrient uptake improved, and detoxification stimulated.

It can effectively reduce the sugar level thus work well for diabetics.

Chronic rhinitis is among those that can be eased.

Capsaicin found in capsicum fruits prevents carcinogens from making genetic alterations leading to oncogene formation. It has the ability to cut off the oxygen supply of cancer cells and tumors.

As liniment, capsicum is effective in providing relief to arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, sore muscles, etc.

Capsicum has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic capacities that are related to its vitamin C and the flavonoids. Fungal infections on skin and food poisoning can be prevented by Capsicum.

It also possess analgesic capacities. Pain is blocked as it is transmitted towards the spinal cord from the point of application in the skin.

Purchase your capsicum now click here
Take a Body Type Survey to find the best supplements for you. Click here

Who Needs their Kidney anyway?

What is a Kidney? In humans, the kidneys are two small organs located near the vertebral column at the small of the back. The left kidney lies a little higher than the right kidney. They are bean-shaped, about 4 in. (10 cm) long and about 21/2 in. (6.4 cm) wide.

The kidneys have a couple of different functions. The main purpose of the kidney is to separate urea, mineral salts, toxins, and other waste products from the blood. The kidneys also conserve water, salts, and electrolytes. At least one kidney must function properly for life to be maintained.

The main purpose of the kidneys is to filter and reprocess blood. It’s an extremely complex process and cannot simply be likened to a strainer. Wastes and extra water are removed to become urine, which flows from the kidneys to the bladder to be excreted whenever we feel the need to urinate. But the normal proteins and cells of the bloodstream that we need are returned back to the blood. In this way, the kidneys regulate the body’s levels of many substances, sometimes keeping them to a very narrow, normal range.

But the kidneys also are important for other reasons. The kidneys release three hormones: one that stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, another that helps regulate blood pressure, and the third is actually the active form of vitamin D, which helps maintain calcium levels.

Patients (with diabetes and high blood pressure) will have tests that check “kidney function.” This is done to know how efficiently the kidneys are filtering and reabsorbing. Fortunately, a decline of 30 to 40 percent of kidney function is not a problem. It’s when function declines to the 25 percent level that serious health problems arise.

So it makes sense to protect the kidneys as much as possible. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of the most common conditions that severely impact proper, healthy kidney function. High sugar levels in diabetes directly damages the microscopic filtering cells of the kidneys while high blood pressure damages the microscopic blood vessels of the kidneys.

So if you are diabetic or have high blood pressure, make certain you are controlling the conditions with proper dietary changes, and taking medications as indicated. And as always, quit cigarettes and get plenty of exercise and good quality restful sleep.

Kidneys and DiabetesDiabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure, accounting for more than 40 percent of new cases. High blood pressure or hypertension is a major factor in the development of kidney problems in people with diabetes.

For every illness there is a corresponding emotional root cause that must be dealt with:


·         Extension of bladder but more severe

·         Insensitive to situations where caring & concern should be exhibited

·         Trying to control life

·         Being disloyal to self

·         Being over judgmental

·         Deep subconscious resentments toward people & experiences of the past

·         Repressed emotions

·         Leaving your self out to please someone else

Kidney Stones:

·         Hardened anger

·         Poor relationship with self & others

Replace every negative emotion with a positive emotion.

Contact NewPeace Wellness to schedule your coaching sessions today.

The Doctor Wants to Remove WHAT?

Over the past few days I have come in contact with many people who have had or are scheduled to have their gallbladder removed. Even people with gallstones. Why is this becoming such a popular organ to remove?

The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon. Before a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear.

In response to signals, the gallbladder squeezes stored bile into the small intestine through a series of tubes called ducts. Bile helps digest fats. Physicians would have us believe “the gallbladder itself is not essential.”

The question then becomes why do we have a gallbladder if it is not essential?

The gallbladder works with the liver. The liver excretes all the gathered toxins mixed with a digestive agent called bile. Bile also contains cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin, and other substances. The bile – about one pint of it everyday – goes first to the gallbladder, which holds it until food arrives in the small intestine. The gallbladder then releases the bile, which passes through the cystic and bile ducts into the small intestine ultimately, the toxins are passed out of the body through the feces.

Abnormal concentration of bile acids, cholesterol, and phospholipids in the bile can cause the formation of gallstones. Surgery is not always the answer, lifestyle changes will eradicate the issue at the root. A special herbal tea NewPeace Wellness’ Stone Dissolving formula will dissolve gallstones within 72 hours.  After which there are simple lifestyle changes you can make to end the cycle of gallbladder abuse.

For every illness there is a corresponding emotional root cause that must be dealt with:

Feelings of bitterness

Feelings of anger

Wanting to force things


Feelings of bitterness                                    Feelings of condemnation

Being unyielding                                             Feelings of pride

Refusing to forgive

Replace every negative emotion with a positive emotion. Contact NewPeace Wellness to schedule your coaching sessions today.